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Showing posts from December, 2021

Skippack Planning Commission meeting cancelled

 At the last Planning Commission meeting, we and several other residents voiced our concern that the December meeting was scheduled such that it would be fairly easy for things to get railroaded through due its proximity to the holiday. While we have no way of knowing for sure whether or not we had an effect on this decision, the township announced today that the planning commission meeting for December 20th has been cancelled. Enjoy the holiday, everyone!

Support is growing!

 As of this writing (Thursday, December 16 around 5:15 PM) we are seeing overwhelming support for halting development of the Perkiomen Valley airport property (brace yourself ... there is statistics geekery afoot!). However, we ain't out of the woods yet. Since we started this effort in the beginning of November, we have visited 453 homes (we are counting electronic petition submissions as a visit). When we eliminate non-responses (no answer when we knocked on the door, the people stated they needed more information, or they asked us to come back another time and we have not yet done that), we see the following results: Total number of yes or no responses: 346 Number of signatures: 325 (94%) Number of refusals: 21 (6%) Quite frankly, this is about as close to unanimous as we can get. This doesn't mean we can rest on our laurels, though. Basically, the township is required by law to approve any development plan that conforms with the law. However, there may be a slight possibili...