On Friday, November 9, 2021, Dave Naples filed a formal Open Records request with Chris Heleniak, Township Manager. Today at 4:46 PM, Mr. Heleniak provided the following materials:
- Skippack Township Checklist
- Skippack Township Application
- Skippack Township Request for Modification (waivers)
- Skippack Township Time Waiver Form
- Montgomery County Planning Commission Act 247 Form (submitted to county, report included)
- Aerial Photograph
- Conditional Use application
The following items were not provided by Mr. Heleniak, but were part of the initial application (based on the township checklist):
- Copy of the check in amount of $10,000.00 for Skippack Township Escrow
- Traffic Impact Study (will be provided under separate cover by Traffic Consultant)
- Title Report
- Property Notice Posted (documentation will be provided under separate cover within 24 hours after submission)
- A copy of the Preliminary Land Development Plans*, 31 sheets, dated 9/30/21 and a copy of the E&S and PCSM Plans, 19 sheets, dated 9/30/21
- A copy of the Stormwater Management Report, dated September, 2021
- A copy of the Yield Plan, dated September 30, 2021
- A CD containing PDF version of Subdivision Plans and stormwater report (not included)
*While we did not receive physical copies, Mr. Heleniak did allow Dave Naples to take pictures of each page on his phone. As a result, any missing parts of the site plan are due to Mr. Naples either omitting to take a picture or taking a bad picture.
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